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Setup within Traffic3D

To use the Evacu-agent system follow the instructions below:

  1. First, check out the Evacu-agent_Test_Scene scene for an example of the Evacu-agent pedestrians.
  2. For Evacu-agent pedestrians to work on Traffic3D, the basic Traffic3D Pedestrian system must be implemented on your chosen scene, click here to find out how to setup Traffic3D Pedestrians.
  3. Check that the scene has already been added to File > Build Settings > Scenes in Build. Click Add Open Scenes to add the active scene to the list if it is not present. Find the index number of the scene on the same page.
  4. Find the script PedestrianFactory and edit the evacuAgentBuildIndexes list (which is done in the script itself) to include your build scene index number found in the step above.
  5. Add an Evacu-agent factory type script to the PedestrianFactory game object such as FriendGroupLeaderFollowerPedestrianFactory, WorkerLeaderFollowerPedestrianFactory, etc.
  6. In each factory script, place the relevant prefabs and behaviour collections which can be found in the Assets/Resources/EvacuAgent/Prefabs folder.
  7. Through each PedestrianPoint game object, add a pedestrian point type script such as ShoppingPedestrianPoint, WorkPedestrianPoint, etc. Make sure you create at least one pedestrian point type for each of the pedestrian types e.g. Workers need at least one WorkPedestrianPoint.
  8. Run the simulation and Evacu-agent Pedestrians should spawn on the relevant PedestrianPoints.